Simple DIY Home Office Organization Pegboard Project

What if I told you, that you can get rid of all the clutter on your desk and turn it into an eye catcher instead? Sounds too good to be true?
We all know a messy desk is keeping you from being as productive as you want to be and you don’t want anyone to see it. That’s how my desk has been for a while, but I found a solution that helps me stay organized and keeps my desk clutter free!
The best thing about it? This is a very easy DIY project that you can replicate in a few hours and on a budget. 


IKEA Pegboard before and after

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Step 1 - Go shopping!

Isn’t this the best first step ever? If you have an IKEA store close to you – head there first, but you can also get the items from Amazon. Here’s what you will need:

2 IKEA SKADIS Pegboards

I got them in brown in the size 30x22in.

So the total size of my pegboard is 30in width, 44in height.

If you don’t have an IKEA near you:

Get them on Amazon


IKEA Pegboard Accessories

Now find accessories for your pegboard.

For my combination I got:

Tools and Paint

In order to change the colors you will also need some paint.

For the pegboards I used wall paint that I had left over. Additionally that made sure the pegboard was the same color as my accent wall – which is a nice side effect.

To change the accessories to gold I used simple spray paint

Let's get creative

You can prime the pegboard if you want. I didn’t think of it early enough and was so excited o paint, that I jumped right in. In hindsight – sanding the sealing coat off would have probably been better, but it worked without that step too. 

I used a big brush and did two coats of the wall paint on the surface. I then used a small art brush and went into all the holes to ensure they are black as well.

Yes, that was a lot of work, but also kind of meditative sitting in the sun and just painting one hole after another …

When you’re done make sure to let it dry well. If you are lucky and it’s a nice and sunny day a few hours should do the trick.

Use a clear spray paint top coat to seal in the color.

Style your new creation

Mount the pegboards to the wall. The IKEA Instructions that come with it we super helpful. They even accounted for the fact that people use more than one and they had the exact measurements in it how far the hinges need to be spaced apart.

Then add your accessories to the board. Since mine hangs pretty high I wanted stuff I need more often on the lower edge and some more decorative stuff higher up.

Even though I had a general idea of what items I wanted to put on/in my boxes and hooks, I tried out a few different layouts.

The accessories go in and out very easily so it was no problem switching them out multiple times. They seem very stable though, so I’m not worried of them ever falling off on their own even with some weight on it.


The final result

I love how it turned out! Everything looks so neat! My desk is free from all these tiny thins like the scissors, pens, tape, sticky notes, etc.

I added some art prints on top just to make it look pretty (find it on Etsy – Circles Art & Diamond Art)

I am also the worst (or best) IKEA shopper ever. I can never go through the store without getting more than I actually came for. That market hall is an enemy to my credit card. I got one of the lucky bamboo sticks, that I added to have some more green on this side of the room.


I am absolutely in love with using two hooks to hold my headphones! And yes, I find my sunglasses way more easily now that they have a dedicated place on the board.

I still have two clips left empty that I will use for notes.

This is the pegboard in my room:

This was a super easy, fast and very budget friendly DIY project that turned out so great!

When are you going to recreate it and what color will it be? Let me know in the comments!

Want to see the before and after of my home office?

Befor and After Pictures of my home office corner transformation

Before I built the pegboard, I created a cozy reading and chill-out nook in my home office room.

I’m surprised how easy and cheap this was and the end result looks so amazing.

Click here to see how few $ I spent!